Thursday, November 14, 2013

My experiences of being an extra for Fury: Early start – had to get up at 3am. Shooting until the sun set. Long day! Make-up (very dirty, muddy look) and hair (sprayed dark), covered by a hair band to cover my highlights, all done at set. After a check of Make-.up and hair, we were driven to a very muddy field and passed on the way hanging dead bodies with a sign hanging around their neck saying “Verräter!” (Traitor). After arriving at the field, we spread out along a long field way and stood there…. a long time until something happened, we heard ‘we are rolling’ and 'action'! We were told over loudspeakers to walk in one direction when told do. So we walked in the mud and then tanks were rolling towards us – with Brad Pitt on top of one I was told (I was not allowed to wear my glasses!). And they were MANY takes for this short scene.... I was walking next to German Wehrmacht soldiers. They surrendered, they were given the command ‘Hände hoch’ (hands up) by the assistant producer while waving a white handkerchief! Lunch was delivered to us on the field, fortunately I carried a suitcase as prop. Perfect to sit on when we were not shooting. And I had to change my shoes as they were full of mud! Luckily they had spare ones tight there. The sun was shining, we were very lucky! We would have to do the same even if it was raining -- we were sooo lucky! We were over 100 extras – and I was the only real German. So they were all faked Germans – except for me! It was a great experience! Would do it again if the opportunity comes up! Fury comes out next year in November. Maybe you can spot a very miserable looking Kerstin :-) But no guarantee... Of course, no pictures were allowed :-(

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