London is a great place to "meet" famous people! Meeting R2DS and C3PO from Star Wars.,...
..and the rat named Remy who dreams of becoming a great French chef despite his family's wishes and the obvious problem of being a rat in a decidedly rodent-phobic profession.
John and I walked along the Thames from Tower Bridge to the Parliament. A very nice walk! And there was some excitement at the Tower Bridge as they were shooting a movie there. The Bridge was opened only for it, smoke produced, cardboard tanks moved and police boats were speeding and stopped behind the bridge when they had all the needed footage. Was fun to watch!
Easter Sunday we drove to the white cliffs of Dover at the English Channel. We walked along the entire length of the cliffs which is a 2 mile walk one way. The white cliffs are facing France which was visible. A really nice walk, also as we had beautiful weather! Along the way there were warning signs as below. But luckily we didn't fall :-) John brushed up his driving skills for driving on the "wrong" side. He is doing a great job!
Yesterday we drove to Stonehenge, the great and ancient stone circle which is one of the wonders of the world. Stonehenge is about one hour away from London. What visitors see today are the substantial remnants of the last in a sequence of such monuments erected between c. 3000 BC and 1600 BC. Each monument was a circular structure, aligned with the rising of the sun at the solstice. Just imagine building something like that with only very basic tools from about 5000 years ago. Amazing!!!!
On their way to their vacation in South Africa very good friends of ours from Germany had a stop over at Heathrow Airport in London. And Heathrow is not far away from us, so we met up up for a coffee. On the pictures you see Pammi and their cute daughter Toni.
It is said that it rains only in London. This is clearly not what I have experienced since living in London. Just take a look at the picture I took this morning from our flat -- blue sky and a beautiful sunset. And it has been like this since for many days :-)
We just came back from wonderful - exciting - trips. First we were in New York City for John's graduation. Yes, he is done! The graduation ceremony was very special in the chapel on the the Columbia BusinessSchool campus -- seeing John in hisColumbia Blue Cap & Gown made me even more proud! On the picture you see him with his Gown.
Afterwards we had a great dinner with John's parents who flew in from Switzerland for John's graduation at our favorite chinese restaurant Shun Lee Palace in New York -- the best chinese place! Delicious! Then we had a big graduation party with the other students. The location was with a view to the Hudson River and of course some sky scrapers-- was a great party!
From New York we flew back to London just to get some new clothes and flew on the same day to Nice, France. There John's parents picked us up at the airport who drove from Switzerland to Nice. They flew back earlier from New York to Switzerland than us to have some time to rest before picking us up in Nice. Now our next event started -- our yearly event the International Circus Festival in Monaco.
It was our sixt year in the row that we watched the amazing performances of the world best artists.
Following Monaco we continued our journey and drove to Pompeii in Italy to travel more than two thousands years back in history.. On August 24, 79 AD, the volcano Vesuvius errupted, covering the nearby town Pompeii in ash and soot, preserving the city in its state from that fateful day.
Pompeii is an excavation site and outdoor museum of the ancient Roman settlement. This site is considered to be one of the few sites where an ancient city has been preserved in detail - eveything from jars and tables to paintings and people were frozen in time, yielding an unprecedented opportunity to see how the people lived two thousand years ago.
The picture above shows the excavation of the Temple of Apollo in Pompeii with the vesuvius in the background.
After a long pause I will startagaintopostwhatishappening in mylife ... andthatis a lot :-) Hopeyou will enjoyit!
Thoughtthe blog needs a newlook & feeltorepresentthenewcity we are living in since my last post in November 2005...
John and I wonyesterdaythegiantfrogyouseeonthepictureatthe London fair. WecallhimFreddietheFrog. He isalreadypartofthefamilyandsittingonoursofa in thelivingroom. Freddie was a bigcelebrityonourwayhomeyesterday. I carriedhimonmybackandhe was sittingnexttome in the London underground. Thenewcolorofmy blog isdedicatedtoFreddie :-)